Thursday, September 2, 2010

Process For Creation

Robert Fritz' Process for Creation

1.0 Conception

2.0 Vision

3.0 Current reality

4.0 Take action

5.0 Adjust, learn, evaluate, adjust

6.0 Building momentum

7.0 Completion

8.0 Living with your creation

Fritz identifies the beginning of the process as the creative acts of conception and vision. This is followed by analysis of current reality, action, evaluation, public scrutiny (building momentum), and completion. Fritz also firmly asserts that the creative process is cyclical in nature. "Living with your creation" means purposeful noticing and analysis that leads to the next creative conception and vision.

Clearly, these modern models of the process of creative thinking are complex scripts for higher-order thinking. Regardless of the specific model we chose, we are called to engage in an intricate mental dance over an extended period of time. The complexity implied by this balancing act is probably the reason why creative ideas are so rare. Even though we all possess the underlying mental building blocks for creative thinking, stacking the blocks just right is very difficult work!

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